Global Warning

I’ve added some half finished sketches to point out the disappearing natural world…

Hotter summers, droughts & fires.

Milder winters, storms & flooding.

Climate talks are full of liars,

they’ll promise change, deliver nothing.

Ice caps melt, sea levels rise.

Air filled with toxic pollution,

yet governments still spin their lies,

they’re the cause, not the solution.

Fossil fuels that burn & choke,

producing goods to throw away.

Chimneys bellow thick acrid smoke,

the greatest threat we face today.

Habitats are being replaced,

ancient forests cleared for cattle.

Wild animals being displaced.

Environment losing the battle.

We have to change our way of life,

new ideas desperately needed.

We’re starting to pay a heavy price.

Capitalism must be succeeded.

Greed is put before good practice,

we can’t allow the status quo.

We must act now to try and stop this.

Speak up my friends, and tell them NO!

White Tiger1Snow leopard

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The Bumblebee

bumblebee x adjLet’s look after the bumblebees

Little heroes one and all

They pollinate the plants and trees

Without them, life here will stall

A major link in Earth’s synergy

An ecology that we all need

And if the last one disappears

So will we with similar speed

Pesticides which make them ill

Are being used on an industrial scale

Without the little bumblebee

Flowers won’t bloom and crops will fail

Three Bears

Three bears came home to find the front door was wrecked

Mama bear said ‘Stay here, till I’ve thoroughly checked’

She entered the hallway saw mud on the floor

That lead right up to the dining room door

She noticed the table had one broken chair

In an empty porridge bowl was a long golden hair

The tracks lead to the bedroom, she could hear someone snore

She called the police after locking the door

And in the end, it all worked out fine

They’d caught Goldilocks the burglar  who is now doing time