A Hare-Raising Tale Of Woe


Come gather close young leverets

and I’ll tell you a tale of woe

It’s all about man’s fall from grace

and his journey down below

It started out with Adam and Eve

but that you already know

So I’ll skip that part and here I’ll start;

Not so long ago…


angel flame adj1


Angels wielding flaming swords

stopped man’s return to paradise

for they knew well, to keep man out,

as he’d stay at far too high a price

Man’s mind thinks long and hard on this

and devises such a cunning plan

He’ll dig deep down to the depths of Earth

then resurface in the unspoiled land


And as he digs he discovers coal

which he burns for steam to speed his goal

soon he sees a precious sight,

diamonds that twinkle like starlight

then gold he finds, so pliable,

so fashionable, and valuable

and oil of which he burned as well

to power his way straight down to hell


balrog third scan temp adj


Now the moral of this tale of woe

clean energy is the way to go

let’s create a paradise here on earth

and this prophecy will never see birth

A Lesson Learned, Well Maybe Not. In Time, It Might All Be Forgot.

A weekend back on wacky B,

was quite enough for me, thank you.

In future, I’ll stick to what is best,

just cups of tea, that saintly brew.


It’s hard to prose when you are high,

words won’t stay in focus long,

and sketching also wave goodbye,

can’t concentrate while brain is numb.


Other vices still remain,

tobacco and a beer or two,

but weed from now, I shall refrain,

and calm myself with saintly brew.


Smoking weed can be a crutch,

when half your life’s spent on that foil,

until next time I feel that itch,

I’ll say my prayers to Mrs. Doyle.


Mrs Doyle tea meme adj

When Dragons Roamed The Sky

With mighty wings, they roamed the sky

and watched their prey from up on high

they ruled the land with fiery breath

just one hot blast meant instant death


Their bodies cloaked in armour scale

from smouldering mouth to mighty tail

their claws like daggers razor sharp

red glowing eyes that pierced the heart


No mortal man could match their might

and those with sense would run with fright

great beasts that conquered all they saw

then suddenly they were no more


They disappeared without a trace

and left the world a safer place


Wizard Dragon b&w adj

The Fates

As we traverse this mortal coil

we know about what has gone before

 but have the fates pre-spun our destiny

are they wise to what we have in store


Do we go through this life, already foretold

 mapped out for us, from cradle to grave

are we on a path of which we have no control

or do we make our own choice at every fork on the way

The three fates2 adj.jpg

The Spectre

The Spectre

There’s a spectre that haunts my reality

It’s one of such wanton brutality

On this mortal coil, spread untruth, and fear

Yemen, Lybia, Palestine, here

This death toll generates its ill-gotten spoil

Erase the poor, trade munition for oil