Someone asked the other day

Someone asked the other day

How do you sketch Theresa May?


Take Eris the Goddess of discord & strife

A splash of Medussa to add to the spice

Mix in the devil, let fester & rot

Then throw it all into an unwashed crockpot

Simmer till crisp on the fires of doom

Add a large dollop of dankness & gloom

With a glass of cold comfort, dripped through


That’s how I sketch Theresa May



War Child

If truth is the first casualty of war

The second casualty is innocence

In a world of perpetual conflict

Where wars start for profit not change

Peace loving people are frowned upon

Pointed out by media, labelled strange

Our politicians decide to take action

On regimes in far away lands

Drop bombs, displace innocent children

They end up with blood on their hands

They refuse the wave of humanity

Safe shelter away from the war

The children left stranded in limbo

No profit in helping the poor

Blood Lust

It’s a crime against humanity

the way the PM lied to us

to bomb another Country

is it just to fill his own blood lust?

He told us that he had the means

for 70,000 troops he’d gather

soldiers who were all ready there

and shooting at each other

So Just like Blair before him

he starts a bloody war

tells us it’s our own safety

that we are fighting for

Again we’re down that same bad road

in the name of God and freedom

it’s just for oil & profit though

no one whose sane believes him

the day will come, I hope it’s soon

he’ll answer for his crime

for causing death, pain and misery

he should be doing time

and when his friends desert him

in that time of his downfall

I hope I’m there to see that day

for he’s the worst PM of all







Capitalists Love War

We are living in a system, which neither cares nor seems to worry

about bombing other Countries in one God awful hurry

They’re gearing us up for war, turning up the heat

“we’ve got to start the fighting, unknown enemy to defeat”

“They’ll bring it over here, if we don’t bomb them over there”

they’ll send us into war, no hesitation without one single care

No matter about the innocent deaths & refugees it creates, poor souls lost at sea

they are just statistics to them, but human beings to you & me

normal lives lost trying to escape war & poverty

they left behind a wasteland of danger and destruction

to seek a better existence away from that shelled out corruption

Politicians pass the blame “keep them there, we’re full up here”

while all the time, to their shame, perpetuating that nightmare

with no thought about helping, instead of just denying

Government spend their time spying, sneaking & prying

Controlling what we see, what we buy, where we are going

every aspect of our lives they seem intent on knowing

Gearing us up for war once more, “come on lets start a war once more”

What’s plan B? no plan B, no plan A either, I can see

A Kakistocracy

An awful group of individuals we have in power,

content with making things worse by the hour

the Establishment spend their time prying, snooping & spying

the Media help them by creating, spinning, smearing and lying

A war is brewing and it’s none of our doing

I never thought I’d live to see the day

that I’d hear the Prime Minister say,

“if you don’t support bombing another Country,

you’re just a terrorist sympathiser to me”

There’s no one to blame for war but the powers that be.